This photo could be important for many reasons; there’s some Canberra Raiders merchandise in the foreground, the strongest handshake on the foreshore is looking big to the right, and it’s maybe the biggest Monday Running for Resilience (R4R) crowd to date.
But the reason I think this photo is important, is because it represents where R4R is, and where it’s going. When we started, it was a bit more about my story, and when we joined forces with The Dock, it very much became a joint effort with Benny A. But as time has gone on, people have taken ownership of the R4R brand, and represented in a multitude of different ways.
Singh took it upon himself to get some custom merchandise made, Timmy has been a wizard with marketing and design for some R4R Content, Shooter makes sure R4R events are fun, Tony has made the R4R park-run group, Ana has been a pinch hitting photographer, and people like Simmo have done the pre-run introduction… to name a few contributions...
This photo was taken after this mornings R4R. The Monday R4R was community led and continues to be community driven. It wasn’t my idea to start one, and I can rarely make them with the introduction of children in my life… But that doesn’t stop other people from stepping up and making it what it is.
This is where I hope R4R is in many people’s minds, and it’s where I hope it’s heading towards; A community led group of people, banded around a common belief and a shared goal.
My story might have been the piece to kick things off, but through the Rag each week and the countless discussions we all have, my story is becoming one of many, and all of these stories are contributing towards a larger narrative; our journey towards a suicide free ACT.
R4R truly is a team effort made up of equal contributions, and I feel privileged to be a part of it. I think I’m speaking on behalf of almost everyone who’s part of this community when I say, thank you. Thank you to everyone who contributes their time and effort into this community, because I get so much benefit out of it.
Just. Keep. Moving.
So good