Bloody love the community's definition of resilience:
Resilience is acknowledging the pain you’re feeling is real, and to keep moving forward however you can, with the understanding that while it sucks now, and could be worse, but it will get better, and you’ll be stronger for it.
Life is all about lessons learnt, sometimes hard lessons and sometimes not.
Embracing it all gives you perspective and ultimately resilience.
Bang on.
Cheers Matt
Your time, your thoughts.
A combine unison of expression formed from growth. Thank you Matt.
Spot on Binh. A unison of all our thoughts. Yours included!
Bloody love the community's definition of resilience:
Resilience is acknowledging the pain you’re feeling is real, and to keep moving forward however you can, with the understanding that while it sucks now, and could be worse, but it will get better, and you’ll be stronger for it.