There’s a bit happening in R4R Land at the moment, and it’s all good, but before we dive into it, I think it’s worth giving a bit of context around why we like to support other initiatives.
Running for Resilience is the community it is because of the people that contribute towards it.
Each individual contribution towards R4R makes a difference, and it’s because of this, that when someone from our community is doing something in their own world, we want to help however we can.
The reality is, that whilst we’re galvanised around the goal of making Canberra Suicide Free by 2033, we all have our own lives outside of R4R, and at times, we all have our own struggles that are most likely not relevant to suicide.
Despite this, by wrapping our arms around our fellow runners and their own struggles and causes, we are building a more connected community, and a more resilient community.
It’s a beautiful thing to be a part of in it’s own right, but it’s also preventing suicides upstream. At the end of the day, community and connection are what it’s all about, and it just makes sense to continue helping each other.
Bravery Trek
A group of R4R runners (Singh, Chris, Tiff and Murray) will run 57km around the Sydney Harbour on Monday the 10th of October, to raise vital funds for veterans injured during service.
Chris and Tiff are still serving in the Navy, Murray left the Navy back in the mid 90s, and Singh… well apart from being a great bloke, he’s a member of the Dragon Boating community… so we’ll call it Navy Reserves.
Chris, Tiff, and Murray have indicated that you see different stories of people who leave the Defence Force, hit tough times, and have mental health struggles. You don’t hear so much about their financial struggles, but we know it’s not far behind. And these issues persist – people who serve often carry a legacy for a lifetime.
If you’re a regular Friday R4R Runner, you’d know Murray well, and whilst he won’t say it, I’m pretty sure he’s been instrumental in getting this run organised. He’s also made sure to point out that it’s not just about those who have put their own lives on the line to serve our country – it is equally hard for their families.
You can read more about the Bravery Trek here, but if you’d like to support one of our Runners, please use one of the links below.
As a side note… For those familiar with the City to Surf course the runners will hit the base of Heartbreak Hill @ the 50km mark!!!
Michael Fussell Memorial Day
A week and a half ago, Dan Fussell got up to speak about the Michael Fussell Memorial Charity day.
Dan’s brother (Michael Fussell) was killed in service in Afghanistan, 2008. To help his brother’s legacy live on, he’s helping put together this event by bringing together two aspects of Mike’s life; growing up playing competitive sports in Armidale, and his later Military career.
By bringing together The Armidale Blues Club and the Royal Military College - Duntroon (RMC-D) on common ground to play the game he loved, “it’s a fitting tribute to Mike’s life, his passions, his service, and his ultimate sacrifice”.
The event was originally planned for this weekend but due to excessive amounts of rain, the Michael Fussell Day 2022 sporting events on 8th October at Portsea Oval, Duntroon, Canberra will be postponed.
A new date will be released later next week, and tickets already purchased will be valid for the new date. Patrons have the option for a refund if unable to attend on the rescheduled date - details to be advised and we’ll post them here.
The ceremonial activities to commemorate Lieutenant Michael Fussell will still be going ahead at the Australian War Memorial, Treloar Crescent, Campbell ACT 2612. All are welcome to attend the last post ceremony on Friday, 7th October at 6:30 pm for 6:45 pm start.
Then for those interested, head to the Dock afterwards.
The R4R Gift
On the 12th of October, the second R4R Gift will be held! So start your… 5 day training program and get ready to go for gold!
Categories are:
Fastest Female
Fastest Male
Fastest Clydesdale (over 100kg)
Fastest Female over 40
Fastest Male over 40
Canberra Running Festival
There’s a few murmurs about grabbing breakfast or catching up at The Dock after the Canberra Times Fun Run, so keep your ears to the ground because there will be something happening.
Christmas Party / 3rd Birthday
They grow up so fast?
3 years has flown by and we’ve run our fair share of hills… having the worst air quality in the world, being locked down… and having to run an alternate route for 6 months while the ACT Government fixed some stairs and laid some turf! (it does look good).
Regardless, we’ve made it through the terrible twos and we’ll look to make an extended booking at either the Dock or the Jetty to celebrate the festive season and the birthday milestone… so watch this space!
Regardless of all of the additional events going on, R4R will remain constant. Every Wednesday at 6pm from The Dock and the Arc de Resilience… No. Matter. What.
Just. Keep. Moving.
Navy reserves hahahahahahhaa
I’m off to the buffet to hit triple figures and take Benny’s crown
I firmly believe that resilience is “the strength you draw from others” and the more connected we are, the more energy we can draw from each other (and give), especially when times are tough.
Just. Keep. Connecting.