The Meet the R4R Runners has been one of my favourite things about Running for Resilience (R4R). It’s not only a great way to learn more about the people we share the pavement with each Wednesday night, it’s also shed light on the normality of vulnerability and the necessity of struggle in our lives.
As I look back on the 61 runners we’ve met (62 by tomorrow), plus the special guests, and the other communities, I’m excited at the prospect of meeting the next 40 to take us over the century mark… but there’s a (good) problem emerging…
As our group grows, the amount of people itching to get a guernsey grows, as does the list of people who’ve run with us for ages, who we haven’t got to meet yet. So, what I’d like to do is throw the invite out to those who haven’t been asked yet, to take part in the Rag.
What I hope comes from it is two-fold:
I’d love the people who are eager to introduce themselves to the community and share their perspectives, to get their chance.
I’m looking forward to meeting people who care about R4R that we might have taken longer to meet otherwise.
The only eligibility criteria for taking part is that you feel part of our community. One run, 100 runs, it doesn’t matter. If you feel embraced by the R4R community enough to take part in the rag, that’s good enough for me.
So please, if you’re interested, please click the link below!