Welcome to the 35th edition of the Meet the R4R Runners. This week we get to meet Catriona who in the best kind of way, is a ball of energy! I was introduced to Catriona by Mel and it’s a great example of why we need to do a ‘Bring a Friend’ event.
Catriona, like so many of our runners, is friendly, willing to chat, and a person you’re excited to see at any of our runs. It’s a repetitive message but it maintains its integrity each time I say it; I’m stoked to have people like Catriona as part of Running for Resilience
What is your name?
Catriona Moxham
Where are you from?
Originally Adelaide, but many places since
What's your favourite thing about Canberra? (apart from R4R obviously)
The 4 seasons, great trails, and the people who are smart, well travelled, and interesting
How did you hear about R4R and when did you first attend?
From my friend Melissa Oloyede- late last year after the lockdown
What's your favourite thing about R4R?
Meeting new people, the beer, and running at an easy pace vs a race - makes it easier to keep coming back .
Is there anything you'd like to see R4R do? guest appearances-
Lets get Jess Stenson/ Trengrove to run with us??? Yes guest appearances, shoes trials, and free stuff!!!
Have you ever run a marathon before? If so, how'd you go?
Only trail - six foot track marathon - over achieved at 45km for my first marathon - 5:35, then a few at 32/36km, which is a perfect distance for me.
Are you planning on taking part in any races or events soon?
I’ve just run the City 2 Surf,
Next is the Cairns to Port Douglas 42km trail race in September
UTA October - so busy busy!
Which three people (alive or dead) would you like to run 6km with?
Jess Stenson - great girl role model,
Haile Gebrasalassie - I would like to practice my form next to him!!,
and of course Kilian Journet to watch him run like a gazelle
What does resilience mean to you?
Getting up and dusting yourself off after having a good cry, then finding your smile, your sense of humour and having another crack at it, metaphorically and literally.
When you look back on the hardest moment/s in your life, is there anything you wish you could have told yourself?
That life is going to be amazing and I will end up defining myself through sport, especially running and to have a go right now.
My Uni degree was 6 years - I was at home, very lonely, and had no other life except the study, and my parents were not warm and supportive. I knew it was going to be worth it but thought it was the career that would define me and satisfy me. If I had known how important sport would become for me, especially running, then I would have pursued this earlier in my life. I’m frustrated that by the time I get those km’s on my legs, and actually start enjoying it, that I’m over the hill!!
That’s a common thing in life, isn’t it? By the time we’ve learnt the lesson, its best utility is to pass it on to the next person going through it… who if I’m anything to go by… won’t listen!
Thanks, Catriona!
The amount of things people have recommended I try and I brush off, only to discover them later and realise how good they are is astonishing. HahaS
Awesome read, thanks for sharing and yes, can't wait for Jess Stenton to run a R4R with us 👍