After a short intermission, we’re back at it again with the 29th edition of the Meet the ‘R4R Runners’. This week we get to meet Brooke, who is another force of consistency at the morning and evening R4Rs.
I’ve been fortunate enough to knock off a few km’s by Brooke’s side and I can honestly say that there’s not many nicer. She’s always a welcome face to see at the runs and I’m looking forward to reading her response!
So without further ado, let’s meet Brooke!
What is your name?
Where are you from?
What's your favourite thing about Canberra? (apart from R4R obviously)
I love all the great outdoor spaces and it’s such an easy place to live (except for when it’s really cold in winter!)
How did you hear about R4R and when did you first attend?
I kept seeing the group on my walk home from work and at that time I was keen to get back into running but I couldn’t figure out what the group was. I was then at a party around the same time and someone mentioned to me that there was a ‘Running for Resilience’ running group, I looked it up and I realised this was the group I kept seeing on my walk home. My first R4R was 24 February 2021.
What's your favourite thing about R4R?
The connections I’ve made with so many different people that I probably wouldn’t have met otherwise. Everyone is so welcoming and supportive – it’s such a lovely positive community to be part of.
Is there anything you'd like to see R4R do?
R4R does such an amazing job - just keep doing what you’re doing
Have you ever run a marathon before? If so, how'd you go?
I did a half marathon many years ago (I think in 2008) I was probably very slow but I finished.
Are you planning on taking part in any races or events soon?
I got a bit swept up recently and booked in for the City to Surf, the Stromlo 10 and the Blackmores half marathon, which I’m now kind of freaking out about. Luckily I have all my R4R runs to keep me motivated!
Which three people (alive or dead) would you like to run 6km with?
Well I love coming along and running with the R4R group – it has helped me rediscover my love of running.
Second would be my friend Penny, we’ve trained together for various events over a number of years and have had many a good chat while out running (especially when I was going through some hard times; our runs and chats really helped me work through things).
Lastly I’m going to say Dua Lipa – who I am usually listening to when I run. Her songs often keep me moving.
What does resilience mean to you?
I think resilience is continuing to move forward even when times are tough. Also recognising that just because things are hard now, doesn’t mean they’re always going to be that way. Things are constantly evolving – and if you just keep moving you will get there.
When you look back on the hardest moment/s in your life, is there anything you wish you could have told yourself?
Um probably one of the hardest has been the breakdown of my marriage a couple of years ago and all of the things that go along with that. I think I would have told previous me that you are stronger than you know and that going through hard times will make you grow. Also not to be afraid to let people know what’s going on – things always feel better once you’ve talked them through with someone else.
We've stopped the count on Benny A vs. Jonesy... So, who do you think takes out the R4R gift this year (both male and female)?
Ohh that’s a hard one, I’m not sure but I can’t wait to see who takes it out this year.
Well done and thank you, Brooke!
Keep up the awesome work Brooke.
Embrace the cold 😊
Great stuff Brooke!