Welcome to the 21st edition of the Meet the R4R Runners. Before we jump into it, this Sunday is the Canberra Running Festival and in the afternoon, The Dock has kindly offered to book out a space for participants and their supporters. At this stage we’re aiming for 2pm but please keep a finger on our socials to see if there are any updates.
It’s somewhat of a milestone reaching the 21st edition and we’ve got a really special one to share with you. If my memory serves me correctly, I first met Trudie on a Friday morning R4R and I can distinctly remember how warm a person she was (and still is).
One thing I admire in people is their ability to share their struggles in a considered way that invites you into a conversation that feels helpful for both you and them. Regardless of what I’ve known to go on in Trudie’s life and what I’m unaware of, she will converse with you openly and honestly, making each conversation enjoyable.
It is a true testament to her character and her resilience. I am extremely proud to have people like Trudie representing R4R.
What is your name?
Trudie Enks
Where are you from?
I grew up on a farm, outside a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it little village named Curlewis, on Gamilaraay lands in north-west NSW. Since I left home at 17, I’ve not really settled in one particular place – living in Canberra, Brisbane, London, The Shire, Austinmer, then Sydney. Four years ago, I moved back to Canberra with my 2 kids.
What’s your favourite thing about Canberra? (apart from R4R obviously)
I love that you’re never far away from the bush. We’re surrounded by stunning green spaces, national park, lakes/wetlands. I just love it!
How did you hear about R4R and when did you first attend?
Word-of-mouth through the Canberra running community. Wednesday 28 July 2021, although it was the second session that was most memorable!!! (Friday 30 July 2021, -2C)
What’s your favourite thing about R4R?
Can I pick two? The people, and the atmosphere. I’m very much an introvert (#hermitlyfe), and I have to make a concerted effort to get out and socialise. R4R combines one of my favourite things (recreational running) with conquering one of my anxieties (socialising) in the perfect way.
Is there anything you’d like to see R4R do?
Hmmm…anything involving music, food, wine, and/or trivia!
Have you ever run a marathon before? If so, how'd you go?
I ran my first marathon in Sydney in 2015. In a moment of exceptional stupidity, I ran it on pain-killers while injured and only just managed to hobble across the finish line. However, the marathon bug bit, and I finished 3 more road marathons (including New York 2016 which was awesome!) before falling in love with trail running. However, the last marathon I attempted was the 2019 Six Foot Track Marathon, I fell badly and broke my foot in 3 places. It was a very long rehab to get back to running again.
Are you planning on taking part in any races or events soon?
Murray has almost convinced me to give the Canberra Runners half marathon a crack in May (even though I’ve not trained properly because of COVID). However, I’m going to have a good crack at Rafferty’s Coastal Run 36km in July. I’m very keen to qualify for the 2023 Six Foot Track Marathon - we have unfinished business. However, in any race, I’m there to complete, not compete!
Which three people (alive or dead) would you like to run 6km with?
Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Nathan Hindmarsh, and my best mate KC
What does resilience mean to you?
Resilience is not a trampoline! It’s completely unrealistic to expect a person to just bounce back from adversity. Resilience is that capacity to keep moving, putting one foot in front of the other, asking for help when needed, until we get stronger, and things get a little easier.
My mate KC once asked me: “How do you eat an elephant?” I gave the standard joke response, “One bite at a time.” She laughed and said “Yes, elephant burgers!” It’s become my mantra for when things start to feel overwhelming - break it down into manageable bits #elephantburgers.
That’s a very important perspective, Trudie. When you look back on the hardest moment/s in your life, is there anything you wish you could have told yourself?
I’m no longer ashamed to admit that, a couple of years ago, I attempted suicide. I am extremely grateful to still be here. If I could go back, there’s a couple of things I’d tell myself:
“it’s okay to take a break and rest”
“you are loved”
“you are enough”
We've stopped the count on Benny A vs. Jonesy... So, who do you think takes out the R4R gift this year (both male and female)?
Lili M and Andrew P
You’re a legend, Trudie. Thank you so much for your honesty. I’ve no doubt that it will help someone in our community and/or beyond.
Just. Keep. Moving