Welcome to the 77th edition of Meet the R4R Runners, where we get to put faces to names and learn a bit more about the great people within our community. This week, we get to meet Millie, who’s not only a big part of our R4R community, she’s a pillar of the Sunday Sesh community too.
As a side note, Millie has also taken part in some recent conversations that have been held between different running groups and it’s clear to see that she’s a big believer in the power that community, conversation, and exercise can have.
So, without further ado, let’s meet Millie!
What is your name?
Amelia (Millie)
Where are you from?
Sunday Sesh Run Club CBR
What's your favourite thing about Canberra?
Certainly not the -5 mornings, but the sense of community and the relevant community groups that are out here bringing people together is what makes Canberra pretty special.
How did you hear about R4R and when did you first attend?
I first heard of R4R through local runners who I met when I started running, and then attended my first R4R back in 2022.
What's your favourite thing about R4R?
The community and the overall approach to why they do what they do. This is the exact approach to the community that our run group Sunday Sesh CBR has. It encourages people regardless of fitness levels and regardless of goals, to get outside, get moving, meet some new people, and be a part of a community group that is supportive, warming and encourages the power of a conversation and doing your best. Those are pretty special attributes of a community group.
What would you like to see R4R do?
Keep doing what they are doing, it is such a special movement. I really hope it continues to reach more people and encourages them to join a social group like this and other like-minded groups that are out here to better our community, and put more smiles on more people’s faces.
What's the longest you've ever run?
30kms so far, but aiming for 50 by the end of the year.
Are you planning on taking part in any races or events soon or are there any just gone?
I have raced in a few races this year so far, with my most recent being at the GC Marathon Festival. I had a few more races in the pipeline for the remainder of the year including SRF50, but unfortunately suffered a bad injury consisting of two stress fractures in my leg, and have been on crutches for a number of weeks so far with a very long road to recovery. One thing I am not doing is letting that injury stop me. It might be a minor setback, but I will come back stronger, and there will always be another race, so whilst I am missing some I had planned for this year, I can add them to the list for next year instead. I have remained active this entire time and just done alternative exercises while I am unable to use my leg. I have continued to show up to my community groups, because despite being injured and unable to walk/run, I am able to still be a part of something that means so much to me and so much to others in our community, and I hope this inspires anyone that may be in a similar situation to come and still be a part of such special movements, and be around such supportive people. It brings me great happiness supporting other people and knowing I have made a positive difference to peoples lives.
What does resilience mean to you?
Resilience to me is taking a challenging situation and looking at ways to resolve things by changing the way you look at them. I like to look at them as learning opportunities, as this puts a positive perspective on the matter as opposed to looking at things with a negative lens. I remind myself to focus on the things I can control, and not dwell on the things I cannot. I work on how I am going to solve the problem and remind myself to be patient and also allow myself to express emotion or feelings in an appropriate way. Finding something that makes me happy, which to me is exercise and supporting others, is so important as this fills my body with serotonin and endorphins and helps me compartmentalise situations and focus on achieving a positive outcome.
When you look back on the hardest moment/s in your life, is there anything you wish you could have told yourself?
Never underestimate the power of a conversation
They’re great answers, Millie. Thank you.
The R4R Gala is a time to gather and celebrate our incredible community and whilst there's no fundraising on the night, we've put $20 from every ticket to support Murray and his great work with Bravery Trek (Tickets sold at cost).