Welcome to the 86th edition of the Meet the R4R Runners, where we get to meet Jane. As I mentioned in the pre-run monologue last week, R4R doesn’t exist without The Dock. We’ve dished out plenty of kudos for Benny A. and Shooter, which is probably still less than what they deserve… but someone who’s flown under the radar is Jane.
We’re grateful for all of the efforts that the Dock and Jane have put into R4R, but recently, Jane has been instrumental in getting Strolling for Resilience up and rolling, as well as putting together tonight’s Santa Run!
So, without further ado, let’s meet Jane!
What's your name?
Jane Collins
Where are you from?
Born in Canberra. We grew up mostly in Moruya and then I came back to Canberra when I was 18.
What's your favourite thing about Canberra?
My favourite part of Canberra is the Bridge to Bridge walk especially at sunset. And the merry-go-round in the City, we ride it all the time, my kids think it’s their treat but it’s really for me!
How did you hear about R4R, and when did you first attend?
I heard about R4R through Shooter & Benny as it started. I feel really lucky to have watched it grow into the Community it is now. To look out The Dock window and see more and more people drawn to it every week is so inspiring. I only first attended and participated with the start-up of Strolling 4 Resilience with our youngest daughter Ireland. It is now the absolute highlight of her week! Being an active participant feels great and I don’t want to miss a week. It gives you a feeling that is hard to put into words. I understand now why the R4R movement has gained so many devoted supporters. My family will clear our usual Wednesday activities in the New Year to make the R4R Wednesday 6 pm part of our week. Time to stop running all over the place to multiple after-school activities and just stop and centre ourselves and join R4R as a family. I think that is the special thing about R4R, it can mean different things to everyone.
The support that the Dock and its community give R4R is incredible... Why do you do it?
Shooter and I have been in business together for 20 years. It has been a ride to say the least. When we started The Dock together, we wanted to create a place that was welcoming to everyone. We wanted to focus on sport and community, and provide people with an experience when they came to the pub. It was so well received, and I think the best part of The Dock is how much people are drawn together to celebrate a moment. Being in business can be tough so you really need to lean into the positive aspects. Shooter, Benny & I feel privileged to be able to provide a home for communities like R4R and that is why we do it. The community engagement side of The Dock is what gives us the motivation and encouragement to stay in business.
Are you planning on taking part in any races or events soon, or are there any just gone?
The R4R Santa Run! We are so excited to see this launch tomorrow and then watch it grow every year. The connection of R4R & Rise Above Cancer Support Charity and so many people and businesses coming together to make this happen quickly is awesome. There are so many genuine and good people in Canberra.
Which three people (alive or dead) would you like to run or walk 6km with?
The Queen, Adele & my husband Stewart!
What does resilience mean to you?
Resilience to me means showing up. Sometimes even if it is just to go through the motions, just doing that is still important. The Just Keep Moving mantra of R4R is so true. Dark times will pass. It takes courage to ask for help and lean on people - but people are good. Accepting that people want to help is key.
When you look back on the hardest moment/s in your life, is there anything you wish you could have told yourself?
I think just to not be so hard on yourself. Don’t feel like a burden, because you are never a burden to the people who love you.
Thanks, Jane! See you tonight at the Santa Run!
Over the break
We’re still running and walking over the Christmas break. Whether it be Monday or Friday at 6:15 am, Strolling on Thursday at 10:30 am, or Wednesday at 6 pm, we’re on! Further, New Year’s Day lands on Monday and we’ll be doing our regular run with some people backing up at the Mt. Ainslie New Year’s Park Run.
Watch our social media channels for more info on movements over the break and if you need R4R information directly, join our WhatsApp group by commenting below.
We’re taking a rest
Over the holidays, except for keeping the social media channels up to date, we’ll be taking a rest from the newsletter. We’ll use it to think about what’s been working and what hasn’t, and hopefully, we’ll be back better than before with more guest articles, more meet the runners, and who knows what else!
Thank you.
To see how much R4R has grown in the past 12 months is incredible and it doesn’t happen without you. We are a special community because of the people involved, and I’m so proud to be a part of it.
Thank you and happy holidays!
Great stuff Jane!